Australian Trout Foundation
This is the page where you will find information and links relevant to the WA Branch of the ATF.
The WA Branch was established in 2018 and is actively promoting the trout fishery in the south west of the state.
Our WA Projects
We have received funds through the Recfishwest Community Grants Scheme for projects to enhance and promote trout fishing in Western Australia.
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Representing WA’s Trout Fishers
The WA Branch of the ATF represents the interests of trout fishers on several committees and we are active participants in workshops and community events such as Troutfest each year.
The Freshwater Fisheries Reference Group (FFRG) is convened by RecFishwest and provides advice and recommendations to the Department of Fisheries on locations and numbers for the stocking of trout each year.
The Western Australian Inland Fisheries Research Advisory Committee (WAIFRAC) is convened by the Department of Fisheries and provides advice on the implementation of stocking strategies including review and evaluation of production and release of trout from the Pemberton Hatchery.
The ATF is also represented on the Recfishwest Board.
Contact us to get involved
The Future
We have many exciting plans and future projects to promote trout fishing in our state. If you want to get involved then please join us.
This is the page where you will find information and links relevant to your State Branch. If you have any questions regarding this page or have some material to contribute to it, please contact Russell Hanley via email to
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