Australian Trout Foundation


Stocking Program

The ATF have been involved in 17 stocking trips since Feb 2020. Apart from assisting in the stocking of native fish in a number of major lakes and streams, we have also assisted in significant stockings of trout. Major trout stockings of impoundments include:


Lake Eildon

120,000 Rainbow and Brown Trout

Lake William Hovel

10,000 Brown and Rainbow Trout

Lake Buffalo

5,000 Brown Trout

Major river stockings include:

The ATF have been involved in 17 stocking trips since Feb 2020. Apart from assisting in the stocking of native fish in a number of major lakes and streams, we have also assisted in significant stockings of trout. Major trout stockings of impoundments include:


Macalister River

5000 Rainbows

2,000 Browns, 10,000 ova

Jamieson River

12,000 fry

Dargo River

20,000 fry

Queens Creek (King River)

5,000 ova

The ATF also played a major role in sourcing, acquiring and translocation of 25,000 wild brown trout ova sourced from NSW Fisheries for recovery of the wild trout population in Nariel Creek following the 2019-20 bushfires.

Volunteer Today!

If you are not already listed as a volunteer, please do so by providing your contact details by email at: or via the form below.

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