Australian Trout Foundation




“Victoria’s North East high country rivers have constantly proven to be a haven for both the experienced and the novice trout fisherman.

Over the past five years the Australian Trout Foundation, through funding from the Victorian Government’s Recreational Fishing Initiative and in conjunction with Fisheries Victoria and the Department of Sustainability and Environment Forests Management, has worked hard to improve fishing access to a number of these rivers and provide enhanced camping facilities for recreational anglers and other bush users to experience.

Comprehensive works have been undertaken on the Howqua, Jamieson, Delatite and Upper Goulburn Rivers, giving anglers much better opportunity to experience the trout fishing in Victoria’s high country.

The following text is a media release from the Department of Primary Industries published on Thursday, August 12, 2010.

Improved access for trout anglers in the North East.

Local and visiting anglers heading towards some of NorthEast Victoria’s most productive trout fisheries will soon find approaching the rivers a whole lot easier.
Fisheries Victoria Executive Director Anthony Hurst said more than $67,000 had recently been provided from the Enhanced Recreational Fishing Program for important access work.

“The funding will allow the Australian Trout Foundation to deliver access improvement projects on stretches of the Delatite, Howqua and King rivers,” Mr Hurst said.

“The Delatite received $22,550 and the focus will be on the stretch between Pinnacle Valley and Mirimbah. The Howqua River between the Six Mile and Eight Mile Flats has received $20,950. The King River has attracted $23,650 for works to improve access between the Pineapple and King Hut Flats.

The three rivers are highly regarded as recreational fisheries for self-sustaining populations of brown trout.

The projects involve working with land managers to:

  • clear works and spray to remove noxious weeds and vegetation;
  • create individual river access points and fishing areas as part of the clearing activities;
  • install at least 15 ’totem’ signs along each of the three river stretches to alert anglers to these new access points; and
  • place a large interpretive sign at a single main location promoting recreational fishing in the region and outlining these acces points. 

“These projects will significantly improve the recreational fishing experience for all freshwater anglers accessing these streams,” Mr Hurst said. 

For more information about access improvements or the $13.5 million Enhanced Recreational Fishing Program, visit or ring the DPI Customer Service Centre on 136 186.”


Jamieson/Upper Goulburn Rivers Access Works

Project 1

Several additional river access points and on-site facilities added to 22 kilometres of premium trout fishing waters from Granny’s to Wren’s Flat. Additional river access points have also been established on the Upper Goulburn River between Jamieson and Knockwood along the Mansfield-Woods Point road.  (Project completed 2012)

Project 2

The ATF has completed access works along the Jamieson River. It encompasses the section following Brocks Road from the Upper Jamieson Hut approximately 7.5 kilometres east towards Cairn Creek Flat in the Macalister State forest.
The project delivers 6 new camping areas including concrete fire/bbq pits, picnic tables and signage and also adds 25 new river access points with identification signs for the public. The project was completed March 2014.

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