Australian Trout Foundation


Environmental enhancement projects:

We have estimated that the ATF Committee and our members and volunteers have contributed approx. 5,000 in kind hours working on environmental habitat restoration and regeneration projects during the year. This figure would have been higher if we hadn’t cancelled two large projects involving planting of 5,000 native trees in May & June because of COVID-19. We have a list of approx. 80 proposed habitat enhancement projects for consideration resulting from the regional habitat workshops held recently. It appears that 2021 is going to be an exceptionally busy year for our volunteers.


Our Ongoing Projects


North East Rivers Access

Lake Fyans Barrier Gates 

Steavenson River Tree Planting

 Ovens River Restoration


Volunteer Today!

If you are not already listed as a volunteer, please do so by providing your contact details by email at: or via the form below.

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