Australian Trout Foundation


Our Mission

On behalf of the Australian Trout Foundation Committee, I am proud to provide you with this Annual Report, which details some of our achievements that were mainly made possible by working together with groups of passionate trout fisher volunteers.


  • The ATF’s mission is to protect, build and promote Australia’s trout fishery, and
  • To protect, repair and regenerate inland waterways and riparian zones for the benefit of better stream water quality, thus providing better environmental outcomes for trout and native fish species.

Our Vision

The ATF seeks to ensure that all Australians can enjoy trout fishing now and for future generations to come.

Our Strategy

To achieve our vision and mission, we have followed our Strategic Plan 2018 – 2020 which includes four key focus areas:

  • Resources
  • Partnerships,
  • Habitat
  • Communications/Education

These focus areas led us to initiating a Victorian Wild Trout Fishery Workshop in October 2019. Working together with the Victorian Fisheries Authority, The Wild Trout Strategy 2020 – 2025 was developed with 30 wild trout fishers through a two-day workshop and a seven-person steering committee of representatives from ATF, VFA & VRFish.

Working Together


Vision & Mission





Victorian Trout Fishers win an RFL grant of $110k to enhance our waterways and valuable fishery

The VFA gave trout fishers a huge vote of confidence when it delegated responsibility to the Australian Trout Foundation Vic (ATF) to manage and administer the funds that will be required to continue the current Wild Trout Management Program, plus additional priority actions contained in Victorian Wild Trout Strategy. The considerable advice and assistance provided by VFA’s Inland Fisheries Managers to the ATF in preparation of the grant submission was greatly appreciated.

Volunteer Today!

If you are not already listed as a volunteer, please do so by providing your contact details by email at: or via the form below.

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